
Looking for that courage to book? Read through some of my past clients and what they have to say.

"Our son (5) with ASD has had three distant healing sessions with Carmel. Carmel's bioenergy sessions have positively impacted our son's energy levels, attention span, and even speech. We've observed a noticeable increase in his interaction, engagement, and improvement in verbal communication. Carmel's compassionate approach and skillful techniques have created a tangible difference in his well-being. We highly recommend Carmel's bioenergy practice for those seeking holistic and impactful transformation for their loved ones."

"So glad I came across this wonderful lady Carmel. We have a very busy little boy with autism & down syndrome. He was just nonstop in destruction mode, breaking things in the house, contrary, no self control or regulation. I was living of my nerves & could never switch off. He's had 4 distant sessions with Carmel & wow all I can say is that I wish I'd came across her sooner. He's calmed down so much & I can actually leave him in the room on his own for a few minutes, I couldn't do that before. He's much more compliant with me as well, like a new child in the house. I've had 1 session for myself & will definitely be getting more for the whole family. Carmel thank you so much for bringing sanity into our home."
Anonymous - Galway.

"My son who is 4 is autistic, we have recently completed 4 remote bio energy sessions with Carmel and we are delighted with the little changes we have seen with him. Our son is a very anxious little boy, always has been even since before we realised he was autistic. We completed 4 sessions before his transition to a new school and starting junior infants which has been successful, very little anxiety, happy little boy running in door and loving learning and engaging in the room all things he has struggled with at times. He's verbalising his feelings much more than he did do prior to sessions with Carmel, so nice to gain an insight into how he's feeling as he's a super emotional boy and wears his heart on his sleeve. This week we've introduced him coming home on a bus from school which again would be very difficult for him as he struggles with change but he has amazed us and got on the bus anxiously but has done it which is amazing as we were expecting it to be more difficult. Even walking into shops/restaurants has become easier still can be a challenge but it definitely has improved and his understanding has really improved. He might still not like the situation but learning to cope so much more..."

"After these four sessions all I can say is that I don't actually recognise myself. My sleeping pattern has changed completely. As soon as I hit the pillow I am asleep within minutes and yes I still wake once or twice to go to the bathroom but as soon as I lay back down I am asleep almost immediately. All that over-thinking has gone completely. I am also a lot more confident and out going. I won't say that I am 100% to where I want to be but I am definitely 80% there. I am such a happier person now, I am the best version of myself. More chilled, relaxed and content"

"I came to Carmel because I was suffering with grief, anxiety and loneliness after my husband passed away 6 months ago. After the first session I felt so much lighter in myself as the heaviness lifted from me. As a result, I began to go out more and enjoy my life again. My friends and family all see the difference too. After three sessions all I can say is a big thank you to Carmel today for this feeling. It's better than winning the lotto."

"Living with chronic pain from Arthritis I was recommended to go to Carmel for Bioenergy. From the very first session I began feeling so much more relaxed, positive and there was a definite quietening of all the negative internal chatter that usually accompanies the pain and disease medication for me. It has been great for sleep, stress and wellbeing. Thank you Carmel."

"My 6 year old son had 3 distant healing sessions to date with Carmel. Carmel's sessions have positively impacted his overall wellbeing, happiness, energy levels, verbal speech and language, social interaction, eye contact, concentration and learning new skills. His teacher said he is a happy boy 95% of the time and have seen great transformation and progress. They are now integrating him into mainstream class and playground lead by our son without any extra anxiety. Our wish is to simply help our son reach his full potential. Carmel's compassionate approach and skillful healing techniques have created a tangible and impactful difference to his overall wellbeing. We highly recommend Carmel's healing practice for all those seeking a holistic approach and making an impactful transformation for their loved ones. We are so grateful to Carmel." 

"This is a wonderful and amazing healing technique and Carmel brings her own very special energy to each session.
I went to see Carmel feeling very low emotionally, having extreme fatigue, feeling stressed and generally unwell. My doctors couldn't find anything physically wrong with me. They thought maybe it was Fibromyalgia, it wasn't. Now a number of years later and after many wonderful sessions with Carmel I feel more healthy, energetically lighter and like myself again. I have recommended her to many of my friends and family and given sessions as gifts to people I know it will make a difference to. Thank you Carmel."
Bernie - Galway

"I brought my son to Carmel for a healing session on the recommendation from my sister. He is 4 and has recently being diagnosed with Autism. He was non verbal, highly charged and emotionally deregulated with little social engagement or eye contact. The 1st session was in Carmel's therapy room but she suggested doing the next 3 sessions distantly 1 x week which was brilliant as it took the huge stress from us all. The changes that took place over the 4 weeks were transformational - noted both at home and also at school. Improvements in his social engagement, eye contact, concentration, comprehension, more focus and overall much calmer and a happier young boy. He learned how to cycle his bike which we had tried many times before and he also mastered toilet training which was huge for him to master all those things together. He spoke for the first time ever when he went to the toilet. He said 'I did it' with such joy and excitement in his little heart. This was the most magical moment for me and his dad to experience, those are the kind of memories that will never fade away. He also said it at school so his teachers were super excited to witness him speak.
He continues to improve daily and tries to say new words and sounds which is so positive. I brought him to a café for a treat for the 1st time ever and he was very relaxed and we both enjoyed it. These are things I could have only ever dreamt of happening but with Carmel's beautiful Bio Energy Healing they became a reality. Our 2 year old daughter has now been diagnosed with Autism as well so this was quite a shock. Carmel did 1 distant healing session for her and I was amazed at the difference in her social engagement right after the session she went over to hold her brothers hand to play with him. This was the 1st time she did this. One week later she said 'Mammy' for the first time. There has been a lot of first moments in our house over the past number of weeks. What can I say. I really don't have the words to describe the feeling that I have in my heart at the moment but that of intense gratitude to Carmel for her beautiful healing gift that she has given my two children. I am forever grateful to Carmel."

"Our 2.5 year old grandson was being toilet trained to be ready for pre-school. All went very well and was happy within 2 days. We expected it would take him weeks. Then the problem arose. He made a poo in the toilet accidently, twice. He decided he didn't like doing that and the holding started. It was a nightmare for him, his parents and us, his grandparents. He would hold for 3 days and the screams from him during day two and three were just heartbreaking while running to the toilet every few minutes but only sitting a few seconds and refusing to try at all, even though he would scream "poo coming", he would never let it come. He never had any problem with this before he started toilet training. This went on for a month, the doctor said "keep doing what ye're doing" as he was not constipated at all, the problem of controlling and holding was in his head. Then a family member gave us Carmel's contact details and had high praise for her own and her friends treatments. Carmel was brilliant with him, as at his age, getting him to stay put for an hour can prove difficult, but she was amazing with him. In one week, our grandson was totally relaxed on the toilet and performed daily with ease. No more screaming for two days, no more pain and no more drama every few minutes for days at a time. The outcome of Carmel's treatments is like a miracle and all in the space of a week. We are all so grateful to Carmel and would have no hesitation in recommending her treatments"
Mary Kyne

"I went to Carmel myself and I also brought my two sons. We all felt the benefits from every session. Carmel is very caring, friendly and professional in manner and puts 100% into each session. She communicates very well in terms of feedback. From booking the appointment, attending the sessions and the follow up texts to see how the children were after their appointments, I couldn't recommend Carmel enough"
Olivia - Galway

"I was recommended Bio Energy Healing with Carmel in 2019 by a family member, after recently undergoing surgery. My recovery time was taking longer than expected and I had become unwell as a result. After my first session with Carmel, I was amazed at how quickly my body began to heal. There was a shift in my energy both physically and mentally, and my health improved immensely. Since then, I have been attending Carmel's fantastic healing sessions, for various reasons. Carmel has such a beautiful way of making people feel at ease and her work is truly amazing. I recently attended a session with Carmel for social anxiety and severe fatigue due to my work commitments and college studies. Before the session I felt heavy, emotionally drained and fatigued. After the session I felt a weight had been lifted. A few days later, I felt so much calmer and grounded in myself, I was energetic and my anxiety had gone. My sleep also improved along with an increase in mood and motivation. I have also attended Carmel's virtual healing sessions and I received great peace and clarity from them too. Bio Energy has had a tremendous impact on my life and health and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Carmel for her help and guidance over the last few years."
Anna Keane - Galway

"I was diagnosed with pneumonia and very poor lung function in January 2015. I was attending hospital appointments for 9 months but I wasn't getting any better. I had severe pain in my lungs, arm and shoulder area. Breathing was difficult and tiring. I was unable to do any of my daily activities. I was sitting, and resting my sore shoulder very often, trying to find a comfortable position. In September, I attended Carmel for 4 daily sessions of Bio Energy Healing. I was amazed at the difference in myself after the treatment. My energy, vitality and zest for life returned and all pain disappeared. My breathing and lung function also improved. I love swimming and it was so hard for me not to be able to swim. I was told by my medical team that I would never swim again, but after the 4 energy healing sessions with Carmel I set my goal to swim in Annaghdown Pier the following summer. Did I achieve it? Yes I did. I'm swimming every summer since Carmel's healing, which totals 7 years. Thank you Carmel for all your healing and support"
Mary Nolan - Galway

"I brought my 8 year old son to Carmel for 4 sessions of Bio Energy and Sound Therapy. He was suffering from a lot of anxiety and abdominal issues, and pain, constipation being the pain issue. He had been into hospital on a few occasions but he wasn't improving and still had anxious feelings. After Carmel's treatment, my son is so relaxed and calm, and has no pain or constipation which is such a relief for him and also me as it was distressing to watch him suffer in pain so much. Carmel is a wonderful therapist and so kind and very good with children."
Aisling - Galway

"I attended Carmel for 4 sessions of Bio Energy in 1 week. My intention for going to the healing was for my eye health. I was getting a lot of eye infections and foggy eyes. I also had very little hearing in both ears. After the first session I went home, I felt very tired, but something amazing happened that night. My ear popped and I could hear the kettle boil, the sound of the traffic, the TV and the radio. I hadn't heard these sounds in over 10 years. I continued on with 3 sessions that week and my eyes also improved. After the 4th sessions my other ear popped and I could hear everything so clearly. This was a miracle for me and I'm so grateful to Carmel for her wonderful gift of healing hands."
Thank you,

"I have had a number of corrective energy sessions with Carmel. Each time I have felt lighter, less tired, with more energy. My stress levels have come down and my energy field is healthier. My mind, body and spirit feels relaxed. I always enjoy the experience during the session. I also enjoy the insights Carmel gives me after each session. I feel corrective energy therapy is a must for me. I recommend having a few sessions together, as I have noticed the most difference this way. Carmel provides a professional service and she is a lovely person to work with. She has a nice gentle energy. Your energy therapy is a lovely touch Carmel. To whoever books in with Carmel for an energy session... enjoy. 
Thank you,
Mellissa - Galway

"In March of 2006, I was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis, which is a digestive disorder. I was in and out of hospital for regular hospital appointment visits over the years, continuing to get sicker, even though I was on a huge amount of medication, including daily doses of steroids. No major improvement was felt or seen.  I also gained a considerable amount of weight since my health issues began due to my condition and the huge amount of steroid medication I was taken on a daily basis. In 2011, A friend of mine recommended me to go to Carmel for Bio Energy Healing, and I decided I would certainly give it a try, having an open mind to the therapy knowing my health was worth that much to me. After having a couple of Bio Energy & Hidden Mind Sound Therapy sessions with Carmel, I began to notice that I felt much better and my symptoms were becoming less frequent or obvious to me, so much so that after approx 10 months, I reached a place of being able to come off all my medication.  After being on medication since 2006, this was a fantastic feeling for me, but once my body healed, I began to shed the extra weight I had gained over the years, which was another great booster for me and for my overall health.  I am so happy to have chosen the Bio Energy healing. Here I am almost 10 years later feeling healthier, more energized and felling better than I have felt in years. I am so grateful to Carmel for her amazing treatment sessions of Bio Energy, her care and professionalism and empowering me to look at other ways to gaining my health back. I would highly recommend Carmel's Bio Energy Healing & Hidden Mind Sound Therapy to anybody who is faced with challenging health issues."
Thank you,
Michael Forde - Galway

"Carmel completed Bio energy treatment on both myself and my baby daughter. I suffered consistent headaches, sinus problems and a lack of energy. After the treatment, I felt completely re-vitalised and I haven't suffered from a sinus infection since then. My baby daughter suffered from reflux and we found it difficult to settle her particularly at night time. After Carmel completed just one treatment, she was notably improved. She now settles so much better at night. I found Carmel professional, understanding and gentle in her dealings with both of us. I would highly recommend her and the bio energy treatment. Thank you Carmel."
Nicole Costello - Galway

"I have been suffering from tinnitus for over ten years, a debilitating condition which is present at all times. In order to fall asleep at night I needed to have music playing or the T.V. on ,only to wake again to the various noises going on in my head. To compound the condition I began to suffer from severe bouts of vertigo which in turn affected my hearing. While medication prescribed by my G.P. controlled the vertigo to a great degree it also carried some worrying side affects. About two years ago I heard that Carmel Dooley had qualified as a therapist in Bio Energy and decided to engage her. From our very first meeting when my condition and needs were assessed by Carmel I knew I was in the hands of a true professional, a very caring and committed therapist. Therapy consisted of four one hour consecutive sessions, following which I was very tired but slowly but surely began to improve. The period of time between attacks of vertigo began to lengthen ,their severity began to lessen so that eventually I was able to stop prescribed medication. By the end of four rounds of four sessions the tinnitus also began to literally quieten down with the high pitched sounds disappearing almost entirely .Throughout all the treatment Carmel dealt with my various emotional, physical and indeed spiritual needs in a truly professional ,caring and supportive manner. Two years on, I can honestly say that attending Carmel for those Bio Energy sessions was the best thing I've ever done in taking care of myself."                                           

"Carmel was a fantastic support to me during a time when I was met with so many health challenges, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, constant reoccurring infections and colds due to lowered immunity. I left the sessions feeling very relaxed and rejuvenated and full of energy. It also gave me such clarity, I could think so much clearer, all my decisions became so much easier for me. I began to sleep through the night after just 2 sessions which was my greatest gift as I didn't have a full nights sleep for years. Carmel inspired me to think and look at life in a healthier way that worked for me. I am so grateful I discovered a new way to keeping myself healthy and well. Thank you Carmel" 
Laura Flynn - Galway

"I had bad back pain for the past year and a half, where I continually suffered from a painful knotting sensation. This impacted my quality of sleep and mobility greatly. As my MRI scan didn't show anything abnormal, it became very frustratingly clear that my opinions were limited. I wasn't keen on taking anti-inflammatory medication long term, so I knew I would need an alternative. A good friend of mine recommended Carmel who practices Bio-Energy Therapy. I found Carmel to be very kind, understanding and professional. She took the time and really listened to me, going to great lengths to assess my condition, so she could figure out what our best approach would be. I found the therapy itself very calming and a positive experience. It not only helped my back but my overall well-being. After four sessions to my relief my back pain subsided to such a degree I no longer had pain at all and I could now just get on with my life. It has been several weeks since my last session and I'm delighted to say, my pain has not returned. I would highly recommend Carmel to anyone."
Barbara Reilly - Galway

"I was in a bad place in my life, I have had anxiety for six years and I have struggled so much with it. I felt nothing would work for me and my last resort was to start medication. My mum recommended to go to Carmel for Bio Energy.   After two sessions with Carmel I felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I could think my own thoughts and be positive again. This reassures me to continue the treatment, I had six sessions in total.  I still have my days but I feel like I am able to handle the anxiety better than I did in the past. Carmel is such a lovely woman and so positive, she makes you feel so at ease. She really cares and checks up on you after the appointments which is a lovely touch. I am not finished with Carmel yet as I feel everyone needs a top up session once in a while but she has definitely changed my life and the way I think about myself and putting myself first which I struggled with all my life. I can't thank Carmel enough for the lovely sessions."

"I have found Carmel to be exceptionally good at what she does. She has a beautiful aura about her, and her therapy clinic is so relaxing and therapeutic. I initially brought my son to meet Carmel because he was diagnosed with ASD in the last few months and I heard great things about Bio Energy. We did the first session at the clinic to get to meet Carmel and the rest of the sessions were done distantly over 4 weeks. Sometimes he gets very agitated so I found a big change in him over the few weeks he was being worked on by Carmel. He was much more calm, more focused at school and also at home. I found Bio Energy very beneficial for him and the distant healing sessions took the stress out of bringing him to Carmel after school as he would be tired. Overall, I would highly recommend Carmel, and I will definitely be going back again." 

"Some do, some don't, I did - If you are reading this testimonial or are looking for something different to assist your health then make the call to contact Carmel. I was the same a couple of months ago. I had a problem with my cows, they reacted every time I went to milk them. After talking to another farmer about it, he recommended Bio Energy Therapy. I contacted Carmel to see if there was something that could be done and Carmel said she hadn't done anything like it before but that she would give it a try. Just to put a bit of science of figures behind the difference between a couple of months ago and now - when I had my first Bio Energy session my cow's cell count was 530,000. I had tried everything from checking electricity to different wash routines to get the count reduced but nothing changed. After the first session with Carmel, the milking that same evening was a dream compared to the morning milking. The cows were calm, no stirring or moving. I never changed my routine at any stage during of since my sessions with Carmel. After each session I was noticing I was more relaxed. I couldn't wait to see the results from the milk samples. I can honestly say I was so happy that the cell count had reduced to 130,000. It has remained so since, and it fluctuates now and again but always comes back down to a low count. I also suffered with Tinnitus, Vertigo & Migraine headaches for the past 10 years numerous months later I am still free of all these symptoms, which is amazing- Some do, some don't I did, and I'm really glad I did. I would recommend Carmel to anyone looking for or seeking something different to assist your health. Thanks for your help and support Carmel."
Eamonn - Galway

"I had been suffering from hormonal imbalance. I did not want to take medication, so I was looking at natural alternatives and came across Carmel's Bio Energy. When Carmel first saw me, she recommended four sessions. After each session I got great relief and comfort. Right from the first visit, Carmel made me feel so comfortable and the environment was very calm and relaxing. The difference in my blood test results previous to my visit to Carmel, and after my 3 sessions with Carmel was amazing. I am so grateful for all Carmel has done for me as I feel so much better now. I would highly recommend Carmel to anyone who may want assistance with similar concerns." 