Hidden Mind & Corrective Sound Therapy

The Hidden Mind Bio Energy, Investigative and Corrective Sound Programme looks and deals with the causative factors associated with illness/disease and corrects the electrical systems of the body to correct the persons bodily functions to return to full health.  It does not diagnose any specific condition but rather seeks to initiate the return of the body to its optimum state of health and wellbeing through the correction of its three electrical systems.  The  programme is a result of more than 35 years of study about how the body functions, development of diseases and the body's ability to heal itself.  It is a process of identification and correction based on  the principle that the body can self create and self repair. It focuses on the cause , not the symptoms of problems. The subconscious mind is an unlimited memory bank, like a powerful computer which runs programs that keep your body functioning eg. heart beating, breathing, blood flowing, energy systems functioning well without giving it any formal instruction to do so. From the moment of conception to the moment of death the subconscious mind constantly observes, records and permanently stores everything that has ever happened to you. The subconscious mind has a hidden potential to influence either positively or negatively our physical and energetic bodies. The subconscious mind suppresses memories of negative experiences, trauma, and shock so that the conscious mind is not aware of them and stressed by them. These suppressed memories may be the cause of the persons present illness or disease that the individual is experiencing on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level. These energy blockages limit our experience of life and can result in a lack of spontaneity, energy depletion, a feeling of unrest, agitation or disease. The Hidden Mind Investigative and Corrective Sound Therapy corrects the body using Sound Frequencies, Affirmations, Scent, Semi Precious Stones, Intent,  to correct deep energetic blockages. These therapies contain unique information that the subconscious mind recognizes. They delete meridian malfunctions, gene faults, negative cell memories, negative thought form, negative emotions, anxieties, phobias, obsessions that the mind and body maybe holding onto causing many different health issues for the person.

Using a pendulum the therapist investigates the physical, nutritional, electrical and emotional fields of the individual through investigation of the 28 Cardinal Frequencies. Also, the therapist conducts an in-depth observation and investigation of the physical body which may reveal any structural anomalies which are the effects of unresolved shock. The shock may be physical, emotional, environmental or toxic in origin. The Hidden Mind protocol acts to self-empower the client by unlocking their hidden creativity and encourages them to take a more active role in promoting their own health.

What does the client need to do?
Bring your commitment of time and engagement to the Investigative and Corrective Sound Treatment. Turn up for your appointments with an open mind and a willingness to getting better and having improved health and vitality.

The treatments are conducted in a private room and last approximately 1 hour 20 minutes.  

You remain fully clothed apart from removing spectacles, quartz watches and metals. During the treatment you lie on a plinth and at all times are fully conscious and in control. You are asked to keep your eyes open as you are an active participant in the assessment and correction and expected to engage with the therapist when relevant.

Clients may also avail of stand alone sessions of Hidden Mind & Corrective Sound Therapy. However, it is recommended the client to have at least 3 sessions combined with bio energy to return to full health.